It’s about that time of year - ski racing! I wrote a blog last season about some excuses you can use in case the races don’t go as planned.
I received requests for more excuses - readers had already used many of those listed. Using the same excuses over and over might lower your credibility, so here are some fresh ones - by region.
I dug deep to find excuses that haven't been overused, but are similarly convincing. Enjoy, and remember - a bad race is never your fault.
Sleet got in my eyes on the downhill
I don’t have a freezing rain specific ski
I don’t have a hail specific ski
I don’t have a 1-inch-of-snow-on-top-of-dirty-forest specific ski
I would be better at classic but I respect Bill Koch too much
I only have enough klister to cover 12 different snow conditions
My college won’t let me take 3 months of travel for ski season
I had fake maple syrup for breakfast and became ill
I got carsick on the way to the venue

Here's Bowdoin College (coastal Maine) - covered in a nice sheet of ice
I don’t care about this race, I’m trying to peak for the Minnesota State Meet
I don’t care about this race, I’m trying to peak for the Birkie
I don’t have an artificial snow specific ski
My lungs don’t function at -4F like they used to
I froze my eyes solid
I didn’t pass anyone because I didn’t want to be rude
I’m only half Norwegian
There were 400 kids on the trail when I raced

The Trailhead at The Loppet Foundation buzzing with kids!
I am sunburnt
Altitude affects me worse than everyone else
Dry air affects me worse than everyone else
I trained for 300 hours at 250 AQI this summer
I don’t have a scenic, firm corduroy specific ski
I don’t have a forest fire specific ski
Someone said “I’m so much better than you” and I believed them
Someone said “I’m the best skier on this mountain” and I believed them
I was 27th in the race but the 1st American, at least

Sun Valley, ID doing its thing
There was a moose in my way
I have Kincaid-jet-fuel-induced asthma
I only managed to train 1,400 hours this year
I didn’t get on snow until October
I don’t have a northern lights specific ski
I’m vitamin D deficient
I'm more of a "50°N latitude or below" type of skier
An 8-year-old Winter Star passed me so I gave up
An 80-year-old APUer passed me so I gave up

Moose trailside nap
I didn’t start seriously training until I was 7
I was Olympic gold medalist caliber when I was 15 but so was everyone else so I thought I was bad and retired
Happy Tuesday.
-Love, Renae

Sjusjøen, Norway
"My lungs don’t function at -4F like they used to", I have said this just a few times but its a good one.
I have twice the excuse because I am only quarter Norwegian.
Personally, I like the "I am only half Norwegian" and I'll need to somehow modify it to indicate the small number of Norwegian Brown Cheese blocks and bars of Norwegian Milk Chocolates I have eaten so far 🤣
I froze my eyes solid (Midwest) happened to one of my mentors during the Noque not that long ago!