It’s been a fun week. I turned 25, had some good sushi, and had friends over for our first 43rd avenue bonfire!
Today's entertainment is a play-by-play of today. It was a great Tuesday, it usually is.

8:30am - For training today, we rollerskied up the mountain at a threshold pace (a medium hard) effort. The route had over 3,000 feet of elevation gain, so it was a great opportunity to work on classic striding. It was around 33 degrees F at the start and the sun was OUT. I went a little too hard to keep up with my teammate Novie for as long as I could. It was a fun session.

Here I am striding in the ☀️
10:30am - I went straight to Freddy Meyer’s grocery store to get some produce. I dropped my produce on the store floor. 5 second rule, so I still ate it.
11:00 - I had a wonderful lunch with my newly purchased produce.

Egg, kale, onion, garlic, tomato, pepper, mushroom, cheese, salsa. I was really in the mood for veggies apparently, this is a little unusual. I had some toast with jam also, not pictured.
Middle day: I took a short power nap (like most days), I worked on my computer for CXC, watered my little aloe plant, and enjoyed looking out the window at the sunny day.

4:00 - Bike to strength. I do 2 strength sessions per week, with a focus on core stability, jumps, and upper body strength. I had my legs “flushed” or massaged by the physical therapist, which was painful but helpful.
6:00 - Helped out at the Bonny Sosa Tuesday Night Race Series with my teammates Luke and JC. We led the warmup for the kids, and they signed autographs after (they’re olympians). I handed out Mott's fruit snacks :) This was a super fun community event!

8:00 - Late dinner of pasta, red sauce, kale, chicken. Wasn't the most exciting but it got the job done.
9:00 - hang with my roomies: tuva, tuva, astrid. They are so great, I'm lucky.
10:00 - Hopefully I’m sleeping by 10
Happy Tuesday!